This page was designed to help parents and
teachers find information about crafts and where to order often hard to find supplies. As a former
teacher trainer and member of many education committees, I just can't resist listing sites I find on the net that look
helpful to teachers.
I have divided this page (again and again!) into two pages:
Parent/Teacher Resource Page for
supplies and resources that are of general interest and Jewish Parent/Teacher Resource Page.
I suggest that Jewish teachers look carefully through both pages as many of the
basic skills and lessons listed are invaluable and can be applied to any
setting. Now I have divided the parent teacher
resource page into two!
my new
Supply Sources Page This page will now be only supply
sources for teachers, parents etc! See my Jewish resource pages for supplies for Jewish
classes. Hope this helps!
WWW. Scout Resources have been moved to my new EILEEN'S Scouting and Guide Pages.
Eileen's Favorite Camp Crafts - Clay Page My web
for instructions on how to use Polymer clay, includes links to other clay sites.
My whole site has information for parents and teachers but this page is entirely
for adults or older teens.
Also my page of Craft Pictures that will hopefully give
you ideas for your own: clay, sand art, copper rubbings and more.
Dick Blick has lesson plans of interest to parents
and teachers. Dick Blick also offers for sale Clay, Clay Tools Including Pasta Machines, Art
Supplies and Craft Supplies.If you click the link below, it will
oten show you a coupon code for discounts.
Dick Blick also has a printed catalog
Free 480-page Art Supply Catalog!
StoreA great place for basic craft supplies.
Check this store out. Also great craft lessons! An incredible teacher
Shop Has great craft books.
Recipes and parental advice. Perfect gift for a new mom or for a family with
young ones.
GIFTS IN A JAR By Margo of Beadie Critter fame. (see my
beadie page for more info.) Gifts in a Jar has great recipes to be used in adult craft/gift projects.
Includes food and bath gifts you give in a glass jar! Many use sand art
techniques to make layers in the jar. Very different. It also has links to other
recipe sites. I think it could be used by a club or school for a fundraising projects.
Kids Crafts Bulletin
Board. For parents or teachers to post and exchange craft ideas.
Pack-o-fun magazine. Has a variety of
craft ideas on-line and in their magazine.
Publishing) publishes many magazines and has a great set of links for kids
projects, craft newsletters and more.
Pieces n' Creases Origami site
has won many awards, including Think Quest Junior Best of Contest 1999. Great lessons included on the history of origami, poems,
and Japanese. Jacob Richman's Hot Sites for
Kids Homework help, fun sites and more. He also has a Hot Sites for Jewish
Sites and General
Sites for Adults.
OrigamiUSA Has great
resources for parents and teachers. Plus a store! The SuperSite for Kids. It is a HUGE fun site.GAMES, coloring, some crafts..
It has sections for parents and teachers
with help with lessons.
I really like these wires. Works great with preschoolers for stringing beads for
bracelets. They can control holding the wire better than cord or string. You can
order the wires on line. They also have projects for children of all
The Carving Consortium Is an
incredible resource for people interested in making their own rubber stamps. It includes beginer
eraser carving/rubber stamps. lessons. It also has a website for the
International Treasure of Eraser Carved Images.
Lil'Fingers Storybooks Great
preschool stories that parents can read to chilren. - Shrinky Dinks Craft
Packs. Fun ready to color shrink art kits. Including a Jewish one! Many
different themes and class packs. American patriotic themes, bible themes,
fantasies and more. They also sell blanks including some that work in your own
printer. Cute stuff!!! Has great lessons on
Native American crafts. Including clay, metal work, leather, feathers, beads and more! Has recipes
Recipes including cooking with kids
The Incredible
Site. Puzzles, games, mazes, Coloring, Word Games, Screen Savers, Memory Games, And
Really Great Tangrams! Puzzle postcards.Very visual! It also has teacher pages
that allow you to print out word searches and coloring pages.
Everything Huge
site with lesson plans, information sharing, crafts, classroom games and more! Really does look
like everything a Preschool teacher needs. Australian Craft Company
sells international. Has unique kits including theraphy crafts. Also has lots
of free project sheets and lessons for kids and other
Picturetrail-Free Online Photo
Albums Looks like a great free service. You can make your own online photo
album. Should be good for teachers to a share pictures with students and
Magazine has an online magazine with crafts. Check out their Turkey
center piece and
placemats. plus other Thanksgiving ideas. They have some other cute crafts
too and seem to be adding new ones often. (Also has great recipes and household
Kids Crafts Bulletin
Board Is a crafts bulletin board with many ideas to read about. Or you to post
your own questions about crafts. A huge
resource for parents, teachers and especially home schoolers. Covers many
subjects including holidays and crafts. Has great parent medical resources. Great coloring pages and E cards.
call themselves the no.1 toddler site on the web. I think these are the
designers for the original Teletubbie site but the British site has taken over
so they have their own site now. Real cute coloring, games and more. They have
some great teacher and
parent resource pages. |
Jewish Nature Project. This site
Jewish Nature
Project Craft Page. Although a "Jewish" Site. This a great nature site for
scouts, parents, teachers and more. Great Teva (nature)
Tips. Has a
great site and resource for Homeschoolers, Parents and School teachers. Great
Crafts and Recipes too. It also has newsletters for math,science and writing
homework help. ADD kids. Preschool and more! Has easy to use form.
Homeschoolzone's Pitter
Patter Craft Library. WoW! Some really great and unusual crafts! It has been
around for awhile, don't know how I could miss this! Recipes, Science, Crafts,
Parent and Teacher resources!'s
Pitter Ptter Craft Library. Kitchen Science Lava Lamps, Rock Crystals,
Chocolate Modeling Clay and MORE! This page also has a larger, easier to read index of all craft types. - Crafts
for Kids Has a great list of links for kids crafts and many original crafts.
Has bible crafts, nature crafts, Pokemon, paper dolls, and more!Graphic
Designs from Wallpaper and clip art too. A great craft web
site and PBS Television show "Hands on Crafts for Kids Television". Lots of very
craft projects. They also like to feature craft storys about projects that are used for
charity or helping people. They also produce craft books.'s
Imagination Factory - Recycle Art Lessons. Including Drawing, painting,
printmaking, collage, sculpture, holidays, fiber art, marbling and more.
Holidays on the NETHoliday
sites for information, crafts and E- cards about many holidays from
around the world.Many of these site are helpful for other crafts to but their
holiday information is so outstanding I listed them here.
Holidays on the
Net An award winning site. Has Holiday information, stories, games,
crafts, greeting cards, links, teachers guides and MORE! Holidays include all
major Jewish Holidays, Ramadan, Christmas, Holocaust Remembrance,Halloween,
all U.S. Holidays and more. 123greetings.comEcards for all
occasions. Most religions, holidays and events.
Funology Great site. Lots of links for crafts and games. For MOST
Holidays all over the world! Has moved and
updated there great site. They feature activities for special needs children.
They activities and fun things can be used by any child. Rhey have Holidays and Clip art.
Holidays from around the world and clip art for many holidays including Kwanza, Chanukah and
more. They have great kid recipes too!
Billy Bear 4 Incredible site! Has lots of resources for parents and teachers.
Great clip art, desk top tips and lots of information along with the games and
fun for kids. Most of the graphics are free to use but check the copywrite on
the page before down loading. ( It is only fair!) Holiday fun too! Holidays at Christmas, Hanukah, Halloween and more. Graphics, stories,
music and more
many parents and children faced with the issue of trying to find an Accelerated
Reader for the child. Here are a few to help you figure out reading levels and
points. For those that homeschool, I don't know what the cost is to participate
in the testing part of this program but this would still be helpful in finding
out thousands of books and their grade level. Plus homeschoolers could still
use their point system to grade their children. For the rest of us, hopefully
this will help you find the most useful links as there are many sites but many
are useful to that school only. Still need a book? Please check with your school's teacher as some
lists do not list all books as there are thousands with more coming. Accelerated Reader. A long list of school sites with their
own accelerated reading lists! Many will probably be updated at the beginning of
the new school year.
York County Schools, Virginia
Accelerated Reading Program Authors listed alphabetically and by grade
Reading Books by Coloumbia Elementary Burbank WA Sort By Alphabet and
 Vocubulary Builders
Free Build vocabulary and they will
donate rice to the needy all over the world. If you choose the option for the
game to remember your score, it will. Lots of levels for all ages. Great even
for SAT/ACT prep!
LESSON PLANS and more!
Kathy Schorock's Guide for
Educators. One of the sites on the web for teachers as part of
the Discovery Channel School. 100's of sites including *Discovery Channel
School lesson plans,*holidays,*Hobbies,*Kidstuff and
4th and 5th Grade
Student Research Resources - homework helper and cybrary.
The Perpetual
PreschoolA great site for preschool teachers to get ideas and to share them
with other teachers. Many subjects are discussed.
The Busy Educator Site.The Busy Educator's
Guide to the World Wide Web. On -line site for the book of this name. Has a
newsletter and links to many sites for kids, parents and teachers. Plus book,
software and game reviews. Also thanks for The Busy Educator's
Discount School Supply Company's (see info on the store and catalog above under
supplies.)A great catalog I have used for a few years. Now has updated their
website. The kids love their craft/paint suggestions
including making silly putty. They now include a search engine plus:
articles, idea exchanges, hundreds of projects
and links.
Thousands of teacher lesson plans for every subject. Great resource for home
school teachers too. Even has Craft Lessons Great
for teachers 700+Great Sites
for Kids Art, fun, people, homework,science etc.
Surfing the Net
with Kids. A great huge site that has been around for years and some how I never
listed it.. Sorry. Music, art, crafts, science, holidays, games, preschool,
computer, math, geography and much much more!
Jacob Richman's Hot sites for
Education Homework and Lesson Plan Help. Links to Research sites.
Travlang.comForeign Languages for
Travelers.Has many 70 languages including Hebrew. It also has translating
dictionaries in many languages.
RCLS Web guide's -Kid's Search Tools Internet search engines to find
sites for kids.
Fun With
Harry Potter.(teachers Edition)Crafts and class sheets about Harry Potter.
See my Fun Page for more Harry Potter pages.
The Kids
on the Web: Educational Sites. This is a huge site that has educational
pages, homework helpers, fun pages and more! A great resource of teachers and
parents. This is not an ad but a cool link. This site has help for
kids and teachers. Teachers really should check this site out.
California's has many
educational links to Science sites plus their own. Great resources and lessons
for teachers to print out.
The Space Place
Has space science lessons and games plus activities including edible activites!. It has some great activities for making spacey things including a
Paper Rocket
using Alka Selser. My son tried it out and it works great! It also has some
great lessons for use in the
Mark Kistler's
Imagination Station!Public Televisions's Favorite Learn-to-Draw in 3-D
series. Lessons and links for parents, teachers and of course kids!
I am adding an easy way to subscribe to craft newsletters on the web. They are
another great resource on the web to get in your email... NOT SPAM! More and more sites are adding
newsletters but some are hard to find on their huge sites. I
find that most are published once a week or once/twice a month. Most have new
ideas and features not found on their web sites. Many offer specials from their online
stores or sponsors sites just for the newsletter people. It also lets you know
when someone has added to their site. Great for sites you forget to check often.
Some big sites update a couple of times a year but most update often. This is a
great way to find out what has been added to these huge sites. Try them for a
few months you can always unsubsribe if they don't meet your interests. MORE COMING!
Eileen's Camp Crafts and Other Fun Things!
Newsletter. After 11 years I sent out my last newsletter on Nov. 1, 2009 with the
introduction to my new newsletter/blog etc on Facebook. Sign up as a fan of
Chadis Crafts Fun Pages and get updated on Eileen's site.Become a fan by
clicking here. Has kitchen crafts, recipes and tips for
food and crafts. Does not have a web site only a newsletter, eGroup Polls and
bulletin boards. The newsletter is emailed out
weekly. Has had some interesting things so far including: lip gloss, gifts in a
jar and more! To subscribe click here to get to their
up page. - Newsletter.
A really interesting web site has a newsletter. The site
has holiday ideas, tips for parents, family fun ideas, birthday party ideas and
more! To subscribe - click